David Wampamba

What is this website about?

This is a personal website made and managed by myself. Click here to read about Me. After spending some years(over 10), of learning and developing technical skills, I thought it would be good to create this website and use as a learning platform of sorts with the aim of helping those who can’t access my services in my physical presence. I categorize my content into three primary groups i.e code, tech(nologoy), thoughts and career.

Why code?

Code restores and preserves culture, gives young people the opportunity to create the world they dream, girls are able to express themselves, their potential and views.

Personally, it’s either coding or teaching about code that I make a living. Not a living only, it’s a way for me to contribute towards creating a peaceful world.

I have been fortunate enough to study and learn so much courtesy of the internet and the people who put in their time and effort to share educative material for free. I have gained so much knowledge, that has helped me develop and improve my coding skills. I would be selfish if I don’t think of the new generation in code. Are you interested in learning about code? Click here.

Why Tech?

In the beginning, I developed the interest, then made a choice to take on the challenge. My first computer, a ” keyboard” picked off the garbage dumping area, started me in touch typing. I would then work in a friend’s video library, and a secretarial bureau before trading my skills in several internet cafes in Kampala.

On top of 30K+ people, my answers have helped on various online platforms fixya.com, quora.com, and facebook.com, many people look up to me for coding and tech-related advice, solutions, and training.

In this section of my website, I wish to share tech opportunities, challenges, advice, reviews, and solutions. Click here to read about what I share in tech.

Why Thoughts?

Thoughts to me, are the beginning of creation and wellness.

Would like to know my thoughts about other topics such as faith, relationship, community, childcare, team building, parenting, and leadership? Want to read what I have shared so far? Click here

Am I available for hire?

Over the years, I faced various challenges, and I have used digital skills to overcome or turn into opportunities.

  • Front-end development using JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, VueJs, ReactJs.
  • Back-end development using SQL, PHP, Firebase, and Python.
  • Mobile Application development using ReactNative.
  • Customizing WordPress at its core, plugins, and themes.
  • Collaborative tools such as Google hangouts, Slack, Zoom, and Git.

I would love to be hired as a back-end engineer to help your team champion it’s vision.

Can as well be hired as a dedicated remote or part-time back-end developer.

The three years of experience I have in training technology entrants, and developers have helped me develop and improve in time management, communication, and interpersonal soft skills, which makes me an ideal developer trainer candidate. Click here to read the full resume.

Do I speak at events/workshops?

Yes. My objective is to engage the audience and share a positive vibe to steer up and unleash their dreams. Been fortunate enough to be invited in Kampala, Mbale, Jinja, Luwero and Mityana districts of Uganda, to discuss technology, computer literacy, GBV, entrepreneurship, and collaboration in code, etc. Some of the events and workshops I have been at are WordCamp 2019 Entebbe, WordCamp 2017 and WordCamp 2018 – Kampala, Gender-Based Violence at PCCP, Girls take the lead – Jinja and Walukuba Community event – Jinja, Cloth a Child – Jinja.

What do I do outside coding?

I spend my time hanging out with friends in various places for various reasons such as business discussions and evening coffees.

I also spend some time reading the Bible, listening to and spreading the gospel among my peers.

Being a leader in two startups (Gagawala and Ablestate), presents gives me an opportunity to do other things than code. Especially participating in creating teamwork strategies and policies.

I speak at life training events and workshops.

I’m learning to play a guitar and piano instruments whenever I can.

I love adventure and always looking out for adventurous places to spend time and connect with mother nature.

Last but not least, I watch, listen and read inspirational content almost every single day.

Who I do follow?

I follow numerous people in different categories.

Life design

  • David Reeve
  • Jay Shetty
  • Simon Sinek
  • Kaweesi Mark

Business and Entrepreneurship

  • Gary Vaynerchuck
  • Livingstone Mukasa
  • Joan Mugenzi

Writers and authors

  • Zigziglar
  • Ortega Ian
  • Nicholas Sparks
  • Nicholas Katushabe
  • To mention but a few.


  • Brad Traversy
  • Ronald Kasendwa
  • Elliot Condon
  • Matt Mullenweg


  • Deacon Kato Cosma
  • Rick Warren

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