David Wampamba

< 1 min read

Before you make resolutions for #2017, I challenge you to do this first.

Reading a book, watching an inspirational video or attending a motivation session may cause a positive impact on you.
However haven’t you also heard of people complaining that it was a waste of time? Perhaps it has ever happened to you as well, in that you attended guided meditation sessions or other forms of motivational sessions, lots of fellowships and group prayers, read this and that book. To the point of stocking almost all motivational videos around the world but you’re still the same.
I myself, have ever been there and ended up unchanged.

Become Self-aware.

The first time, I tried self-awareness was after watching Gary Vaynerchuk video before revising the questions David had sent me to identify my core personal purpose. My journey started and I have never moved back.
Even if you have to revise your personal purpose or re-identify it. Self-awareness is the only remedy that brings out the best of you no matter where you are and what you do.
Being self-aware is self-motivating, ignites self belief and love.
Self Awareness is defined by http://www.pathwaytohappiness.com as having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self Awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment.”
A prosperous #2017 friends.

Sharing is caring


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